Families of gemstones

You'd be surprised how useful considering a gem in relation to its nearest counterparts can be, especially for complicated families like Garnet.

The following charts group gems based on their chemical composition (e.g. silicates, oxides and hydroxides) and mineral families (e.g. Corundum, Beryl and Feldspar).

Howlite - - -
Sinhalite - - -
Diamond Blue Diamond - -
Chamapagne Diamond - -
Yellow Diamond - -
Black Diamond - -
Pink Diamond - -
Red Diamond - -
Green Diamond - -
Azurmalachite - - -
Aragonite - - -
Azurite - - -
Calcite - - -
Cerussite - - -
Crysocolla - - -
Dolomite - - -
Malachite - - -
Rodocrosite - - -
Smithsonite - - -
Fluorite - - -
Igneous Rock
Obsidian Snowflake Obsidian - -
Amber - - -
Jet - - -
Pearl Akoya Pearl - -
Freshwater Pearl - -
Mabe Pearl - -
Mother of pearl - -
South Sea Pearl - -
Tahitian Pearl - -
Shell - - -
Oxides and hydroxides
Cassiterite - - -
Chrysoberyl Alexandrite Cat’s Eye Alexandrite -
Cat's Eye Chrysoberyl - - -
Vanadium Chrysoberyl - - -
Corundum Ruby Tanzanian Ruby -
Star Ruby -
Sapphire Blue Sapphire Ceylon Sapphire
Kanchanaburi Sapphire
Midnight Blue Sapphire
Fancy Sapphire Black Star Sapphire
Color Change Sapphire
Green Sapphire
Orange Sapphire
Padparadscha Color Sapphire
Padparadscha Sapphire
Pink Sapphire
Purple Sapphire
Star Sapphire
Sunset Sapphire
White Sapphire
Yellow Sapphire
Cuprite - - -
Diaspro Zultanite Cat's Eye Zultanite -
Hematite - - -
Rutile - - -
Spinel Black Spinel - -
Blue Spinel - -
Fancy Spinel - -
Gahnite - -
Noble Red Spinel - -
Pink Spinel - -
Purple Spinel - -
Ambligonite - - -
Apatite - - -
Brazilianite - - -
Lazulite - - -
Turquoise - - -
Amazonite - - - -
Andalusite - - - -
Axinite - - - -
Beryl Aquamarine Aquamarine AAA - -
- Cat's Eye Acquamarine - -
Red Beryl Pezzottaite (not always considered a member of the beryl family) - -
Emerald - - -
Goshenite - - -
Heliodor - - -
Morganite Bicolor Morganite - -
Yellow Beryl - - -
Clinohumite - - - -
Danburite - - - -
Diopside Russian Diopside (also known as Chrome Diopside) - - -
Star Diopside - - -
Dioptase - - - -
Dumortierite - - - -
Enstatite Bronzite - - -
Epidote - - - -
Euclase - - - -
Feldspar Andesine - - -
Labradorite - - -
Moonstone Rainbow Moonstone - -
Ortoclase - - -
Spectrolite - - -
Sunstone Star Sunstone - -
Garnet Pyralspite Almandine Mozambique Garnet -
Pyrope Mozambique Garnet (Pyrope and Almandine) -
Rhodolite (Pyrope and Almandine) -
Spessartite Mandarin Garnet -
Malaia Garnet (Spessartite and Pyrope) Color Change Garnet
Umbalite (Pyrope and Almandine with traces of Spessartite) -
Ugrandite Andradite Demantoid -
Grossularite Mail Garnet (Andradite and Grossularite) -
Merelani Mint Garnet -
Essonite -
Tsavorite -
Uvarovite - -
Hauyne - - - -
Hemimorfite - - - -
Hypersthene - - - -
Vesuvian - - - -
Iolite - - - -
Jade Jadeite - - -
Nephrite - - -
Kornerupine - - - -
Kyanite - - - -
Lapis lazuli - - - -
Lepidolite - - - -
Mookite - - - -
Natrolite - - - -
Opal Black Opal - - -
Blue Opal - - -
Blue Fire Opal - - -
Boulder Opale - - -
Fire Opal - - -
Green Opal - - -
Jelly Opal - - -
Matrix Opal - - -
Pink Opal - - -
Semi Black Opal - - -
White Opal - - -
Yellow Opal - - -
Pectolite Larimar - - -
Peridot - - - -
Petalite - - - -
Phenakite - - - -
Prehnite - - - -
Quartz Amethyst Bicolor Amethyst - -
Rose de France Amethyst - -
Ametrine - - -
Bicolor Quartz - - -
Blue Moon Quartz - - -
Chalcedony Agate - -
Aventurine - -
Chrysoprase - -
Fire Agate - -
Heliotrope - -
Diaspro - -
Carnelian - -
Onyx - -
Sard - -
Sardonyx - -
Citrine Bicolor Citrine - -
Cognac Quartz - - -
Green Amethyst - - -
Lemon Citrine - - -
Olive Quartz - - -
Phantom Quartz - - -
Rainbow Quartz - - -
Pink Quartz - - -
Graffiti Quartz - - -
Smoky Quartz - - -
Tiger's Eye - - -
White Quartz - - -
Quartzite - - - -
Rodonite - - - -
Scapolite Cat's Eye Scapolite - - -
Serpentine - - - -
Silimanite Cat's Eye Silimanite - - -
Star Silimanite - - -
Sodalite - - - -
Sphene - - - -
Spodumene Hiddenite - - -
  Green Kunzite - -
Yellow Kunzite - -
White Kunzite - -
Staurolite - - - -
Sugilite - - - -
Thomsonite - - - -
Topaz Flamingo Topaz - - -
Sky Blue Topaz - - -
Imperial Topaz - - -
Kiwi Topaz - - -
Cherry Topaz - - -
London Blue Topaz - - -
Mulberry Topaz - - -
Moonlight Topaz - - -
Ocean Topaz - - -
Mystic Topaz - - -
Neptune Topaz - - -
Swiss Blue Topaz - - -
Twilight Topaz - - -
Grape Topaz - - -
White Topaz - - -
Tourmaline Elbaite Bicolor Tormaline - -
Black Tourmaline - -
Blue Green Tourmaline - -
Cuprian Tourmaline - -
Fancy Tourmaline - -
Green Tourmaline - -
Indicolite - -
Paraíba Tourmaline - -
Pink Tourmaline - -
Rubellite - -
Dravite Chrome Tourmaline - -
Unakite - - - -
Zircon Zircon Ratanakiri - - -
Zoisite Tanzanite AAA Tanzanite - -
Sulphates & Chromates
Anglesite - - -
Baryte - - -
Celestine - - -
Gypsum - - -
Marcasite - - -
Pyrite - - -
Sphalerite - - -
Moldavite - - -
Scheelite - - -
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